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Wellbeing Week 2023: Experts identify five red flags that mark a toxic workplace

17 million working days are lost due to work related stress 

The workplace wellbeing experts behind Rethinkly– a visualisation platform used by IBM and the NHS – unveil what employees need to look out for in their workplaces   

Held annually during the last week in June, World Wellbeing Week helps promote the knowledge, skills, and tools to for people to manage their own mental health and wellbeing as well as push overall awareness. With an often-cited source of anxiety being work, with reports stating that 79% of individuals report feeling stressed in the workplace, this can often bleed into physical wellbeing with HSE reporting that 17millon working days were lost due to work related stress and anxiety over the past year. As the average Brit spends a third of their life at work, tackling and remedying toxic work culture is of upmost importance. Fuelled by their recent findings that 11% of Brits claim to have a toxic relationship with their peers and managers at work, Rethinkly – the leading visualisation tool for workplace communication issues – have compiled the top 5 signs of a toxic workplace.  

1- Lack of Transparency 
The organisational principle known as “transparency” encourages open and honest communication among staff members at all levels. It is clear that this is a significant issue when 50% of employees say that they believe a lack of transparency is holding their organisation back. Given that trust relies heavily on transparency, this is understandable. If employees do not have access to correct and timely information, then trusting superiors and co-workers becomes difficult. This could lead to a toxic work atmosphere and make it challenging for employees to work well together.

2- Not acknowledging individual wins 
Someone’s ability to feel like they belong is significantly influenced by the recognition of individual accomplishments. This kind of communication is essential for fostering a sense of belonging. Employees are more likely to be happy at work and help foster a culture of celebration rather than unhealthy competition if they believe their employer values their effort.

3- High Turnover 
A high turnover rate may be a sign that the business is unappealing to work for or that its management is poor. It goes without saying that if someone feels at home at work, they won’t look elsewhere. Therefore, a business that struggles to retain employees demonstrates that something about the workplace is driving away workers. This can be immediately determined, for example, if a company keeps posting the same job, indicating that they are unable to fill the position. 

4- Overtime 
A workplace where overtime is standard is a big red flag. The occasional extra-long hours is normal, however when it reaches the extent that a healthy work life balance cannot be achieved this enters the realm of toxic. This is because of the link to burnout. With studies on the effects of long hours on occupational health finding that overtime had adverse effects on physical and mental health. 

5- Lack of opportunities for growth  
The lack of opportunities to grow could lead to feelings of being undervalued or undepreciated at work. This could translate in employees struggling to find meaning in their career. The CIPD has highlighted personal growth as a key factor in employee wellbeing and an essential component in creating a culture of personal growth. 

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