Teaching School Hubs from September 2024 Announced

DfE has this morning published a list of Teaching School Hubs from September 2024.
This list provides details of each teaching school hub in England from September 2024 to August 2028.
We designated 87 lead schools for 4 years from September 2024 as centres of excellence for teacher development in their areas.
Teaching school hubs offer high-quality teacher training and professional development for teachers and leaders at all stages of their career. They play a significant role in:
- School-based initial teacher training
- National professional qualifications
- The early career framework
- Appropriate body services for the induction of early career teachers
Read more here.
Sector Response
Lynne Birch, Hub Lead, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Teaching School Hub
“We are absolutely delighted to receive Teaching School Hub reaccreditation for the next four years and continue to deliver the ‘golden thread’ for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
“We feel we have achieved some notable successes since we were established in September 2021, including engaging 74% of schools in our region, supporting 992 Early Career Teachers, 936 Mentors and 583 NPQ participants across nine programmes, and have sought to both understand and respond to specific barriers and gaps in accessing evidence-based professional development and established valuable networks and partnerships to enhance high-quality evidence-based teacher training and development across the region.
“Going forward, and with appropriate funding, our objective is to ensure that our Teaching School Hub offer is a sustainable model with continued capacity to deliver the ‘golden thread’, including building on our engagement and involvement with schools, trusts and partnerships and continuing to seek feedback to deliver personalised, locally-led, professional development, as well as supporting ITT provision right across the region.
“We exist, ultimately, to support Cambridgeshire and Peterborough schools and trusts in having the best professional development offer from the moment someone decides they want to train as a teacher and throughout their career.”