From education to employment

International Equal Pay Day insights: 7 actionable steps for employers

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Today is Equal Pay Day, Areej AbuAli, the Founder of Women in Tech SEO is encouraging employers to take decisive action to bridge the gender pay gap, which currently stands at 14.9% in the UK.

Recognising the importance of this day, Areej has shared seven actionable steps employers can take to commit to gender pay equity while fostering a more inclusive environment for all employees.

7 steps employers can take to bridge the gender pay gap this International Equal Pay Day

  1. Transparent pay structures

Employers should develop comprehensive and accessible pay structures that clearly define how salaries are calculated, whilst taking into account a person’s experience, performance metrics and (if relevant) qualifications. Being transparent about this structure and updating it on a bi-annual basis will help build trust and accountability within an organisation, whilst also allowing employees to know where they stand within these pay brackets.

2. Regular pay audits

Relevant teams should also conduct bi-annual pay audits, breaking down data by gender, job roles, and organisational levels. This data-driven approach enables the swift identification and resolution of gender-based wage disparities which can then be acted on.

3. Mentorship for progression

Whether implemented internally or through external networks, mentorship programmes offer women opportunities to connect with influential senior leaders who passionately champion their career development. By connecting with accomplished mentors, women not only acquire knowledge and skills but also gain the confidence to assert themselves in their chosen fields – therefore, allowing them to enter higher-paid roles.

Mentorship also fosters a culture of support within organisations. It shows a commitment to developing female talent, which, in turn, boosts retention rates and enhances the organisation’s reputation as an employer that values diversity and equal career opportunities.

If you work in SEO, we provide a successful WTSMentorship programme. This initiative has matched over 500 mentors with mentees, focusing on soft skills such as career development, leadership, strategy, and more over a two-month duration.

4. Unconscious bias training

Many companies are unaware of their unconscious biases which can affect decision-making processes and career opportunities for women. Training specifically aimed at addressing these biases, such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training is essential. It raises awareness among employees and leaders about the existence of bias and its consequences which can impact promotions, pay rises and career advancement opportunities.

5. Flexible working and family-friendly policies

The introduction of flexible working policies empowers those who are working mothers and caregivers to balance their professional and personal lives effectively. This initiative acknowledges that employees have diverse needs and responsibilities outside of their workplace, whilst striving to accommodate those needs while maintaining productivity and efficiency. Examples include hybrid working, core hours, generous parental leave, and more.

6. Offering training and workshops exclusively for women

By offering training and development opportunities exclusively for women, employers demonstrate their commitment to promoting gender equality. These initiatives address the gender pay gap by empowering women with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their careers, ultimately closing the earnings disparity.

Employers should also consider holistic workshops addressing female-specific challenges, such as education and training on menopause support, reproductive health, and more. This helps women manage these challenges whilst still managing to advance in their careers.

7. Budgets for training and conference participation

Employers should also encourage women’s participation in conferences and industry events. These opportunities provide employees with exposure to the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices, whilst, of course, expanding their professional network.

Areej AbuAli emphasises that these seven proactive steps are crucial for achieving gender pay equity. Employers who embrace these measures not only empower their female employees but also create workplaces where diversity and inclusion thrive. These actions are essential in closing the gender pay gap and ensuring a fair and equitable working environment for all.

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