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Tips for Reducing Eye Strain and Fatigue When Working on Your Computer Screen

In today’s digital age, most of us spend significant time in front of computer screens. Whether for work or leisure, extended screen time can cause eye strain and fatigue, leading to headaches, dry eyes, and other discomforts. However, there are simple adjustments you can make to reduce these issues and maintain healthy eyes.

Seven tips for reducing eye strain and Fatigue

Here are seven tips for reducing eye strain and fatigue when working on your computer screen.

1.     Adjust Your Screen Settings

One of the easiest ways to reduce eye strain is to adjust your screen settings. You can start by adjusting the brightness and contrast levels to a comfortable level that doesn’t strain your eyes. Additionally, many modern screens have a blue light filter, which can reduce the amount of blue light emitted by your screen, thereby reducing eye strain. Lastly, consider adjusting the font size and style to improve readability.

2.     Optimize Your Workspace

Your workspace plays a significant role in eye health. Proper lighting is essential to reduce glare and minimize eye strain. Try positioning your screen away from direct sunlight or harsh overhead lighting. If you can’t control the lighting in your workspace, consider using a glare filter to reduce the amount of reflected light. Adjust your screen’s position and distance to improve your posture and reduce neck and eye strain.

3.     Take Breaks and Practice Eye Exercises

Regular breaks from your computer screen are essential to reducing eye strain and fatigue. The 20-20-20 rule is a popular method to follow: every 20 minutes, look away from your screen for 20 seconds and focus on an object at least 20 feet away. Eye exercises, such as focusing on distant and near objects, can help improve eye muscle strength. Additionally, practice eye massages to relieve tension around the eyes.

4.     Consider Computer Eyewear

Computer eyewear is designed to reduce the amount of blue light that enters your eyes, reducing eye strain and fatigue. They also provide a magnification effect, improving readability and reducing eye strain. There are various types of computer eyewear, including prescription glasses, non-prescription glasses, and clip-ons. Consult with your eye doctor to choose the type of computer eyewear that suits your needs.

5.     Stay Hydrated and Eat Eye-Healthy Foods

Drinking enough water is essential for overall health, including eye health. Dehydration can cause dry eyes, leading to eye strain and fatigue. Additionally, incorporating eye-healthy foods into your diet can help maintain healthy eyes. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E and omega-3 fatty acids, such as leafy greens, carrots, and salmon, can promote eye health. You can also consider taking supplements, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, to support eye health.

If you experience dry eyes, using eye drops can help lubricate your eyes, reducing eye strain and fatigue. There are various eye drops, including preservative-free drops, which are gentler on the eyes. Additionally, blinking more often can help reduce eye strain and fatigue. Try setting reminders to blink or consciously reminding yourself to blink more often, especially during long screen sessions.

7.     Practice Good Posture

Lastly, practising good posture can help reduce neck and eye strain. Sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the ground, with your screen at eye level. Additionally, avoid slouching or leaning too close to your screen, as this can strain your neck and eyes.


Most companies provide their employees with training on setting up their screens and work equipment and how to properly sit on their work chairs to avoid strains and sprains. These pieces of training are part of workplace health and safety policies, and companies care about the employees. Such training would allow the employees to ensure their well-being while at work, protect themselves from injuries that could occur while at work, and give their best output.

Is it important that you do not ignore these pieces of training and ensure that you take all of them? These pieces of training are there for your safety, and by educating yourself on them, you can implement these practices in your daily work life and stay fit and healthy. An employee should never underestimate such training. Training courses like sitting and arrangement training, DSE Assessor training, and training related to posture can educate an employee on how to remain fit and prevent unwanted sprains due to improper posture.


In conclusion, reducing eye strain and fatigue when working on your computer screen is essential for maintaining healthy eyes. So, prioritize your eye health and take proactive steps to reduce eye strain and fatigue. Incorporating the seven tips mentioned in this article can significantly reduce eye strain and fatigue.

Adjusting your screen settings, optimizing your workspace, taking breaks, practising eye exercises, considering computer eyewear, staying hydrated and eating eye-healthy foods, using eye drops, and practising good posture are all easy adjustments to reduce the discomfort associated with extended screen time. Following these tips can protect your eyes and maintain good eye health.

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