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Business management will be crucial in new Minimum Contract Levels

There are huge opportunities for Work Based Learning Providers and colleges with the Skills Funding Agencies (SFA) proposed Minimum Contract Level (MCL) funding arrangements for next academic year.

With these huge opportunities there are also huge challenges. So FE News teamed up with Paul Eeles, the ALP’s director of sector reform, to create a series of video interviews on what this means for the FE and Skills sector. 
The video below is the final part in the MCL series. Mr Eeles gives us a lot of food for thought about the opportunities and challenges available to the sector. He discusses how providers manage their business will be crucial for success in the new world of MCLs. The new contracts will not have room for management costs, so elements such as the procurement of awarding bodies, auditing to stationary could play a massive role in successful contracting.

Mr Eeles also focuses on quality and reveals who will be OFSTED inspected.

Click on the video below to find out what opportunities the Minimum Contract Levels have to offer:

If you missed the first part in the MCL video interview series, here is Part 1 : What are the Skills Funding Agency Minimum Contract Levels?

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