Pete Marples 10 point manifesto for training and skills
FE News catches up with Pete Marples, co-owner of training provider Aspire Achieve Advance, at the Voice of Apprenticeships conference. He sets out ‘The Marples 10 point manifesto’ for training and skills listed below:
Point 1: – Bring apprenticeship wages to at least £125 per week
Point 2 – See a Government review of the role of FE for the next 30 years – it will look very different to the structure we have now
Point 3 – Harmonise funding for 19-21 to that of 16-18 to reduce the number of NEETs
Point 4 – Implement funding reforms to place providers at the heart of the system using a voucher system
Pont 5 – Improve the regulation of trainers and assessors so learners benefit
Point 6 – For BIS / SFA to review the role subcontracting should play in the system
Point 7 – Promote apprenticeships to SMEs, which make up 80% of all starts
Point 8 – Motivate the sector to deliver value added level 3 and 4 apprenticeship starts through increasing the employer discount
Point 9 – Abolish funding for 23+ and use it to fund apprenticeship starts
Ponit 10 – Recognise that the Trailblazers are remarkebly similar to existing frameworks but are costing two or three times the cost to implement