Creating an Inclusive Society: The Power of Neurodiversity Understanding

The #OneFileConf2023 saw the announcement of the new partnership between OneFile and Cognassist. With their cutting-edge digital cognitive screening, Cognassist empowers educators to identify and address the unique learning needs of individuals who may face challenges and inequalities.
We caught up with brilliant Founder and CEO, Chris Quickfall, where we were granted the opportunity to delve into the depths of his visionary mind, gaining insights into the driving force behind the creation of his extraordinary venture. Understanding neurodiversity is important because it promotes inclusivity, collaboration, innovation, reduces stigma and discrimination, and supports the personal growth and well-being of individuals with diverse neurotypes. It is a crucial step towards creating a more accepting and inclusive society for everyone. Chris also touches on the power of understanding neurodiversity and the immense benefits it brings by fostering a truly inclusive and thriving workforce.
Building upon their successful five-year association, Cognassist and OneFile are set to embark on an exciting new partnership that will propel employers and learners to unprecedented heights of achievement. This initiative marks a transformative leap forward, empowering individuals to unlock their full potential. With Cognassist’s unwavering commitment to neurodiversity and OneFile’s expertise in fostering growth and development, this dynamic collaboration promises to revolutionize the way we approach education and employment.
Running an EdTech Business:
Benefits of a Neurodivergent Workforce:
Understanding Neurodivergence: