From education to employment

Ann Limb shares some tips on how Providers can engage with their local LEP

Dr Ann Limb, Chair of the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) shares some tips on how Training Providers can get more involved with their local LEP’s. 

Ann explains that in the past year LEP’s have been preoccupied with fulfilling the Government’s localism strategy, particularly devolution deals, and FE reforms such as Area Reviews have taken up a lot of time for LEP staff. Ann understands that this has been a tough situation for Providers to engage with LEP’s, so she shares some tips for Providers to get more involved with their LEP’s. 

Due to LEP’s focuss on economic development, in the past year LEP’s have completed a lot of work around data collection, data analysis and skills need. To identify skills gaps now and skills gaps in the future. With this data they are looking at the supply side to fulfill these skills gaps and this is a great opportunity for Independent Providers to then engage with their LEP.

Please click on the video below to hear what practical advice Ann shares on how Providers can work more closely with LEP’s in their Growth Hubs and with the Apprenticeship Levy to reach both large employers and SME’s through their brokerage system.


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