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Self Assessing Brilliantly – Free webinar


When you self-assess brilliantly you get into the ‘no surprises’ Ofsted inspection planning mindset and improvement activity has clearer focus and greater impact. Brilliant, collaborative…


Coaching Apprentices Towards EPA Success First Time


Overview Successful End Point Assessment (EPA) doesn’t happen by accident, for apprentices to achieve a successful outcome at EPA very specific support is needed. The…


Preparing for an Apprenticeship Audit


Education and Skills Funding Agency funding rules and requirements are disparate, complex and easy to misinterpret. The responsibility for identifying irregularities in the claims process,…

Ofsted Inspection Nominee Training


During an Ofsted inspection the nominee is at the centre of the inspection and of their organisation. Led by the Solvendis Quality Improvement and Inspection…

Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection


Many providers remain anxious about inspection under the Education Inspection Framework and the changes which accompany the latest release of the inspection handbook. Planning your…

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training


A provider’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) plays a critical role in its approach to safeguarding its learners, training its staff, providing support and guidance and…

Understanding the ITP financial handbook


Are you ready for the ESFA’s financial handbook? Starting from 1 August, the ESFA have set out a number of requirements and recommendations for independent…

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training


A provider’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) plays a critical role in its approach to safeguarding its learners, training its staff, providing support and guidance and…