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Student who volunteers as local scout leader honoured with Neighbourly Award

Student who volunteers as local scout leader honoured with Neighbourly Award

A student who volunteers with a local scout group in Swansea has received a Neighbourly Award for her contribution to the community, after being nominated by the scout leader.

Niamh Dorrington, who studies nursing and lives in Swansea, volunteers as scout leader with the 32nd Swansea Rhyddings Terrace Park Group. She has been doing this for the past three years, proving herself to be an exceptional leader and organiser.

It is this work, which benefits local children and young people, that prompted Scout leader Ben Ball to put Niamh forward for a Neighbourly Award.

The award scheme is run by the University’s Community team. The awards are for students who are making a contribution to the local community or showing exemplary behaviour as neighbours. This includes getting to know neighbours, being considerate about noise during the day and night, and disposing of waste properly.

Local residents can nominate students for the award. 

Steph Standen, community liaison officer at Swansea University, said:

“Swansea University students are also residents in their local communities. The University encourages students to be valuable members of society and wants to promote positive community relations, which is the job of our dedicated Community@CampusLife team.

“Our team set up the Neighbourly Award to recognise and reward students like Niamh who are making a positive contribution to our local community. We’d welcome any more nominations that local residents would like to put forward.”

Niamh Dorrington said: “It was such a privilege and honour to receive this award. I’m very grateful that I have had the recognition for my work within scouting especially alongside studying and working for my degree.

“I thoroughly enjoy volunteering as a scout leader and I find it valuable to be involved and integrated in the community in something non-uni related as well as some of the uni societies. Thank you to Ben for my nomination, it’s really nice to know that my time and work is appreciated.”

The Community@CampusLife team are regularly out and about in the local community dealing with issues and helping local residents and off-campus students alike. They often join the local Police Community Support Officers on their community visits. 

How to nominate a student for a Neighbourly Award:

Do you know a considerate or helpful student or students living in your community? This can be an individual student, student house or society.

Please tell us so they can receive the recognition they deserve and a gift from the University.

  • Email us at: [email protected] and we will send you a link to a short form to complete
  • Or write to us at: Community Team @CampusLife, Talbot Building, Swansea University SA2 8PP

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