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New study reveals the UK cities where students are most likely to use A.I. to write essays

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Students in these cities are most likely to use ChatGPT – according to new study

  • Students in Bath are most likely to use ChatGPT to help write their essays, with 527.5 average monthly searches per million residents
  • Wrexham is the only Welsh city to make the list, with an average of 380.6 monthly searches per million residents
  • Across the UK, students search for A.I help an average of 165.5 monthly searches per million residents

A new study has revealed that students in Bath are most likely to ask ChatGPT to write their essays.

The team of professional writers at EssayPro have analysed Google search volume over the last year for terms related to using artificial intelligence tools to write essays. The team looked at 29 search terms, including “ai essay writer” and “how to use ai for essays” to find out which cities have students who want a quick and easy way to get essays finished, then ranked them according to the number of searches each month per one million residents.

Blog author Adam J at EssayPro commented on the findings:

“Students are bombarded with information and homework every day, making time one of the most precious commodities in college life. As busy as they are, turning to artificial intelligence to help them efficiently complete work seems like a no-brainer.

“ChatGPT and models like it can be used as an assistant but should never be used to write an entire essay or piece of work. For structural assistance or support with vocabulary to provide a better reading experience, A.I models excel and enhance the hard work a student puts into their essays. It can even help generate ideas and put thoughts into a coherent sentence.

“However, overuse of A.I can cause students to lose essential critical thinking and research skills. Generative learning models draw from existing material, opening the door for plagiarism concerns. It also has a limited knowledge base and can ultimately make up information from scratch with no real basis.

“Artificial intelligence has its place as a support mechanism for writers, but the time taken to refine a generated essay would be better utilized to using your own thoughts and research to create a stronger piece of work.”

The top ten cities where students are most likely to use A.I are below:

Bath ranks first with 527.5 average monthly searches per million residents. The most popular courses at the University of Bath include accounting and finance, architecture, and biosciences. Students can use A.I to help them check equations and information but should be careful not to copy directly from the generative A.I models.

Inverness is next, with an average of 15.6 monthly searches per million residents. Computer science, economics, and psychology are some of the most popular courses at the University of the Highlands and Islands, which has a campus in Inverness. ChatGPT can be used to simplify some of the more abstract concepts of psychology, but care should be taken to ensure the information is accurate.

Salford comes third, with an average monthly search volume of 497.3 per million residents. The University of Salford’s most popular subjects include medical technology and bioengineering, music, and nursing. While students could use A.I. to help them gather information, they should also ensure that the data gathered is useable and up to date.

Luton is fourth, with 473.9 average searches each month per million residents. Home to the University of Bedfordshire, students here study accounting, agricultural science, and acting, among other courses. Generative A.I. can help with formulas and mathematical concepts that students use, but another source should always check the answers for accuracy.

Lincoln ranks fifth, with 456 average monthly searches per million residents. Subjects including accounting and finance, agriculture and forestry, and architecture, are among some of the top courses studied at the University of Lincoln. ChatGPT’s knowledge base has its limits, however, so independent study should always be used for the majority of essay writing.

RankCityAverage Monthly search volume per million residents

Exeter ranks sixth with an average of 420.5 monthly searches per million residents. Some of the top subjects at the University of Exeter include earth and marine sciences, engineering, and classics and ancient history. Gathering sources using A.I models can help in building a list of references for essays.

In seventh is Wrexham, with an average monthly search volume of 380.6 per million residents. Wrexham University students study various courses including catering, criminology, and occupational therapy.

Manchester is eighth, with 359.2 average monthly searches per million residents. With over 400 undergraduate courses, including arts and humanities, mathematics, and biology and biochemistry, students at the University of Manchester can utilise A.I for gathering data and sources.

Liverpool, with 340.6, and Hereford, with 330.6 average monthly searches per million residents, are rounding out the list.

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