NUS announces Independent Investigation into Antisemitism

Today NUS announced that Rebecca Tuck QC will lead an independent investigation into allegations of antisemitism within NUS. NUS worked closely with the Union of Jewish Students to make the appointment and to agree the Terms of Reference. The investigation will look at recent allegations as well as historic matters and broader culture.
The NUS Board issued the following public statement:
“The independent QC-led investigation will centre the voices of the students we are here to serve and will look holistically at the experience of Jewish students within NUS. The investigation will look at recent allegations as well as historic matters and broader culture. We are rightly opening our doors to scrutiny and are prepared to be accountable, to listen, and to take any and all restorative actions that are needed. Jewish students are our members and we’re deeply concerned about the hurt and pain being expressed. There is no place for antisemitism within NUS because Jewish students have the right to feel safe and welcome in every corner of our movement.”
The Union of Jewish Students issued the following public statement:
“We are pleased to see NUS treating the early stages of these investigations with due sensitivity and diligence. Our members from all political affiliations and religious denominations have raised their voices. NUS are listening and engaging with UJS and Jewish students and we hope this will continue throughout the investigations.”
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