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How are DfE supporting families across the country with Family Hubs?

Family Hubs offer help and support to families, from early years support to parenting classes, all of which can make a difference – particularly to those families who are going through a tough time.

Evidence shows that some of the most disadvantaged families don’t access vital services.

That’s why DfE have announced funding to create a new network of family hubs to bring together and transform local services.

Paul Whiteman, NAHT general secretary

Commenting on Family Hubs funding for 75 councils, Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders’ union NAHT, said:

“There is widespread agreement that intervention in the early years is one of the best ways to support vulnerable children, but a lack of capacity in the system means that all too often that support is not available.

“This investment into family hubs is welcome and we hope that the government will invest more in this area in the future. It is important that every child and family in the country that would benefit from this sort of early support is able to access it.”

Below is what you need to know about DfE’s family hubs programme and how it can benefit your family:

What have you announced?

75 local authority areas have been confirmed as eligible for a share of £302 million to create a new network of family hubs to bring together and transform local services.

This delivers on a manifesto commitment to champion family hubs, which can help families access support including parenting classes and infant feeding advice, as well as ‘wrap-around’ services such as support for domestic abuse or substance misuse.

What are family hubs?

Family hubs are one-stop-shops where families can access important services.

An effective family hub acts as a single ‘front door’, making it easier for families to get the help they need, and to improve the support on offer. This can include parenting support and infant feeding advice.

Family hubs are for families with children of all ages, but with a great Start for Life (the critical 1001 days from conception to age 2) offer at their core. This includes mental health advice for new mums in the weeks immediately before and after birth and support for parents to build strong relationships with their babies.

Why are family hubs so important?

All families need a bit of help at times. An effective family hub will make it easier for parents to get support and ensure better outcomes for them and their children.

For the youngest children, parent-infant relationships are crucial in the early years, and babies need strong and nurturing interactions with their caregiver as a foundation for lifelong mental health.

Support at the right time also helps to improve children’s mental health and life outcomes and parents and carers also benefit from support for their wellbeing and mental health.

Who can benefit from family hubs and where can I go to get support?

A family hub supports families from pregnancy through early years and later childhood, up to the age of 19 (or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities).

Family hubs can support all parents and carers, including those with babies and very young children, with additional help on offer for those who need it most.

For information on what is available in your area, search for your council’s local ‘family information service’.

Watch Becky tell us how her local Family Hub has made a difference for her and her son, Leo:

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