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Over 30,000 seasonal vacancies available via the Government’s Find a Job website

Looking for a festive role? Over 30,000 available on Find a Job 

Wide range of opportunities in all corners of the country, from selling toys and Christmas trees to wrapping presents.

Jobseekers are getting help finding festive and seasonal roles in the run up to Christmas with the launch of a new page on the Government’s Find a Job website.

There are thousands of temporary jobs available, offering opportunities for those looking for work to gain experience and build skills – as well as bring in some extra cash over the holiday period.

There is a huge range of roles available in all corners of the country, from selling toys and Christmas trees to wrapping presents or even a festive chef.

A temporary role can also help people get the experience they need when applying for future roles.

Mims Davies 100x100Minister for Employment Mims Davies MP said:

“A job in the run up to Christmas is a fantastic way for jobseekers to build skills and confidence – and put themselves in pole position to secure a permanent role.

“I’d encourage any jobseeker to visit Find a Job and unwrap that next local opportunity.”

Simon Lavall, Work Coach at Nottingham Jobcentre, added:

“Festive jobs are a gift for both jobseekers and employers – offering jobseekers the chance to gain vital experience while providing employers with the extra support they need to handle all that extra Christmas demand.”

Simon’s top tips on applying for a seasonal role via Find a Job:

  1. Start looking now – don’t leave it to the last minute.
  2. Use the Job Help website to get advice on how to shine
  3. Research the company you’re applying to and tailor your CV to every role
  4. Take it seriously – a festive job could land you in pole position to clinch a permanent role
  5. Dress the part – especially if the job requires a red suit and fluffy white beard! 

What are the benefits of seasonal work for the job hunter? 

6th Oct 2021: The average British adult forked out £476 on Christmas gifts in 2020, equalling a whopping £24.2 billion on festive gifts overall!

Due to the influx of online orders as a result of Covid-19, more Christmas temp jobs were on offer than ever before, with services such as the Royal Mail more than doubling their temporary Christmas jobs to 33,000 extra staff members to make sure demands were met.

Seasonal work comes around every year when demand for workers is high – but what are the benefits of temporary work for the job hunter?

Depending on your circumstances, a seasonal job might be the perfect step in your career.

  1. It’s a CV Builder

If you’re looking to fill some gaps after being out of work for a while, looking for a short-term solution whilst looking for your perfect role, or trying to develop particular skills, a seasonal job is the perfect opportunity for you to build your CV.

Don’t forget that even temporary jobs can still be used as references for the future!

  1. Gets Your Foot in the Door

It’s not a guarantee, but if you’re still available to work when the temporary job is over, your employer may want you to continue in your role. If that isn’t a possibility, by making new contacts and expanding your circle at work, you’re increasing your chances of finding or being recommended for a job elsewhere.

  1. You Can Test Drive a New Job (or Career)

A lot of people don’t consider this, but seasonal work can be a great opportunity to try out a new job or career without having to fully commit. If you love it, you can search for more work in that area, and if you don’t love it – you’re on a slightly clearer career path.

Seasonal work can be a great opportunity for people at any stage of their career, as we found out from speaking to Gemma Hopkins, a National Careers Service contracts manager in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire: 

“We see a lot of people come to us in September and October time looking for work, where a temporary job over the seasonal period makes a lot of sense for them.

9 times out of 10, it’s a younger group of people seeking this type of work, often part of their first jobs. But we do see people who are looking for a stopgap during a career change or following a redundancy.

Seasonal work, especially in retail, gives the potential to gain valuable experience, showcase your skills to the employer and possibly secure a full-time position.”

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