WCG celebrates Ofsted success less than two years after merger

Staff and students at WCG are celebrating a highly successful result following an Ofsted inspection in March. The college group has been awarded ‘Good‘ overall and for all aspects of its provision. This means WCG has improved on its already high standards since its last inspection in 2015, while at the same time growing and expanding its provision.
All areas were highlighted as Good by Ofsted including the Quality of Teaching; Outcomes for Learners; Personal Development, behaviour and welfare; Apprenticeships and Provision for Learners with High Needs. The effectiveness of leadership and management was also rated Good with Ofsted saying “The Principal and senior leadership team have set a clear strategic direction, centred on providing opportunities to improve learners’ futures”.
The report says “the curriculum reflects the local economy and skills priorities. Learners gain the right skills and use industry-compatible resources” and “teachers have high expectations of learners and apprentices”. It also says “staff develop good relationships with parents and employers that lead to improved progress for learners and apprentices. Employers report that apprentices have a positive impact on their businesses”. The report gives particular mention to two specific industries where WCG has established strong partnerships; the digital games industry and the automotive industry. As well as commenting on WCG’s large-scale apprenticeship delivery, “productive partnerships with employers have ensured that apprentices work with tools, plant and equipment that are up to date and reflect modern practices”.
In August 2016 WCG merged with South Worcestershire College and has since reinstated Evesham College and Malvern Hills College as separate entities. Special mention was made of the merger and it was described as being managed “adeptly and empathetically”. Furthermore it says “Leaders are visible at all sites, and staff at the recently merged college have embraced the change”. The reports goes on to say “the Group includes nine geographically dispersed sites, and leaders focus well on retaining and developing each College’s historical curriculum identity”.
A delighted Angela Joyce, Group Principal and Chief Executive of WCG, commented: “This is an excellent endorsement of the hard work of our staff and students and the high quality outcomes that they produce. This report is a credit to them all. I am pleased to also see that our approach to merger has been highlighted. We believe passionately in delivering educational opportunities through locally based colleges, underpinned by the benefits and strength offered through a large Group structure.”