The key benefits of apprenticeships

Ahead of National Apprenticeship Week 2024, trusted apprenticeship provider First Intuition shares some of the top benefits of apprenticeships for employers and students. These were stated in panel discussions with FE industry leaders on the ‘Apprenticeship Stage’ at Form the Future’s Annual Conference.
First Intuition recently sponsored the ‘Apprenticeship Stage’ at Form the Future’s Annual Conference at the Møller Institute, Cambridge. The day event brought together educators and industry professionals to discuss: ‘How to prepare young people for a rapidly changing world’. First Intuition hosted four talks with industry experts, apprentices and their mentors covering different apprenticeship-related topics.
In celebration of National Apprenticeship Week being held from 5th to 11th February 2024, First Intuition has shared the top benefits of apprenticeships stated by speakers from these discussions, as well as summaries from these talks.
The key benefits of apprenticeships mentioned by experts in the apprenticeship sphere, employers of apprentices and apprentices themselves included:
- An opportunity for an alternative route into higher education than university
- A solution to skills shortages
- Introduces creativity and diversity into a business
- The development of well-rounded and employable individuals
- Motivated and satisfied workforces with higher retention rates
- The opportunity to earn whilst you learn
- Quicker career progression
- A two-way exchange of skills between mentor and mentee
Links to the full summaries of the talks can be found below:
A discussion with members of the FE sector on the impact apprentices have made on businesses, the changes made to accommodate them, the rationale behind employers’ decisions to invest in apprenticeship programmes, initial hesitations, and how these have compared to actual experiences.
A discussion with industry experts about why the skills gap is so critical and how apprenticeships could hold the key to closing it. As well as the employer’s and educator’s role in helping to close the gap.
A discussion between a panel of apprentices and employers that share their experiences, challenges, and accomplishments using apprenticeship programmes. Including stories from individuals who have completed their programme and from individuals who are still training.
A discussion between expert speakers from the apprenticeship sphere about the future of apprenticeships, including political challenges and how government policies are shaping the future of apprenticeships and skills development. As well as the jobs of the future and the sectors offering opportunities for new roles.
First Intuition regularly champion apprenticeships and offer a plethora of free resources for employers and students. You can find a number of these resources here, as well as more resources about National Apprenticeship Week here. Including information how to make the most out of the week and how to prepare for it.
You can find a summary of Form the Future’s Annual Conference here.