Skills for an Economy in Transition: White Paper announcement

Join us as we announce a new and ambitious programme of work and funding, in partnership with Learning and Work Institute, to #GetAdultsLearning.
At 10am on Tuesday 20th June, Ufi VocTech Trust and Learning and Work Institute will publish our White Paper: Skills for an Economy in Transition.
Rebecca Garrod-Waters, Chief Executive of Ufi and Stephen Evans, Chief Executive of Learning and Work Institute will announce the commitments laid out in the White Paper to deliver a new and ambitious programme of work and funding to #GetAdultsLearning across the UK.
Watch online at 10am, 20th June 2023 here.
An extract from our White Paper:
“At a time of skills shortage and rapid economic transition, it is essential that everyone in the UK has the opportunity to develop the skills they need.
“By getting adults learning, including those currently not well served by mainstream provision, we will create the foundation for secure and equitable economic growth that gives everyone in the UK the capacity to thrive.“
Background to the White Paper
In January 2023, Ufi VocTech Trust and Learning and Work Institute announced a new strategic partnership aimed at accelerating the adoption and deployment of technology to help every adult in the UK get the skills they need to participate and benefit from our transitioning economy.
On 24 April 2023, we released our VocTech Challenge: Skills for an Economy in Transition Green Paper. This paper was the first output of our partnership with L&W and for the following six weeks we consulted with stakeholders, our partners, and the organisations we support to consider what steps we can collectively take to significantly increase adult participation in learning.
Our White Paper, to be launched on the 20th June, aims to respond to the Green Paper’s research findings and problem statements and sets out our commitments to an ambitious programme of work and funding to transform adult participation in learning.