Scotland’s Colleges Supporting Students in 2021

Earlier today Colleges Scotland (@CollegesScot) participated in the first meeting of the Ministerial Task Force, established by Scottish Government (@scotgov)
Because of the national lockdown in January and February which restricts access to campuses, and disruption to learning affecting students during 2020, there is a need to support learners complete their courses during this academic year. Practical courses where students need access to workshops, labs and salons, and courses which require work-based placements in settings like nurseries and care homes, have been the most disrupted by pandemic restrictions.
The Ministerial Task Force is a good focal point to mitigate against this risk, find quick solutions to problems, and above all else prioritise how to support students achieve their qualification in this academic year.
As a sector, that is our sole ambition: to support learners gain the qualifications they have already worked so hard towards.
Individual colleges across Scotland are already finding solutions for their learners on the ground, working creatively and flexibly to support students who are learning at home, and a huge effort has gone into finding solutions for individuals to enable them to complete their courses.
Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland, said today:
“We’re pleased the Task Force is focussed on supporting colleges to deliver qualifications at this acutely difficult time. There are only a few months before the academic year ends in July, and a lot to do in that time to reduce the impact on learning posed by ongoing restrictions.
“The national lockdown, announced on 4 January and now extended until the end of February, immediately changed the opportunities colleges have to support students to finish their courses. There has been an incredible effort from college staff to help their students right across the country already to support their students, and nationally we are determined that everything possible is done to help students achieve in this academic year.
“It is without doubt that there are some tough issues to solve. Colleges Scotland is confident however that we can mitigate a lot of the factors around course completion in the coming weeks by working closely with Scottish Government and others.”
“Students can expect their own college to continue to communicate regularly with them about their individual course and arrangements for learning and assessment.”