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Results day frustration as students share feelings on the impact COVID has had on their year

Rahim Hirji, UK Country Manager of Quizlet

@Quizlet, ask #ALevel students how they have been affected by lockdown 

Across the UK yesterday, students waited anxiously to find out what their future holds, either getting into their chosen university, being accepted onto their apprenticeship scheme, or resorting to clearing; but with so much ambivalence this year and the entire education sector being one of the most heavily affected by the pandemic –  students have never been more uncertain about their futures.

To quantify the level of unease, digital learning platform, Quizlet, asked over 2,200 A-Level students about how they felt they had been affected by lockdown.

The results show that: 

  • 27% of A-Level students are upset at missing their exams which could have impacted their final grade
  • Nearly a third (29%) have cancelled their gap year plans due to the pandemic
  • 30% are considering a change in degree course, having had time to reflect 
  • 75% feel ‘upset’ that they are missing out on a traditional graduation ceremony 

Rahim Hirji, UK Country Manager of Quizlet, comments: 

“For the first few months of lockdown, many students were under the impression that they would indeed be taking exams this year and our data showed lots revising through study sets in preparation.

“Although the decision to cancel exams was deemed necessary – these extraordinary circumstances have understandably left a lot of students feeling bereft. 

“Over 27% of students we surveyed have today been left upset by the feeling that their results do not reflect the hard work they put into their studies. For every student today rewarded for their assiduity, there is one who feels understandably let down.

“The revision period is key for students across the country, yet this was stripped from them this year due to exam cancellation. Quizlet saw a 200-400% growth in new sign-ups when school closures happened in Spring, but industrious students weren’t able to apply this learning that would have been so key for their results.”

For the first time, schools and colleges have provided a ‘centre assessment grade’ for each subject – reflecting grades that students would most likely have achieved if they had sat exams. This takes into account non-exam assessments and mock exam results and in many cases downgrading and deviating from the predicted grades given by lecturers and teachers.

With uncertainty amongst students at its highest and September just around the corner, it is true to say that Generation-COVID has got their work cut out for them.

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