Rachel Burden presents new series of the Parent Perspective Podcast with Amazing Apprenticeships and Not Going to Uni first in the hot seat.

The well-known and highly respected broadcaster and mum of four hosts season two of the informative podcast, bringing her own perspective as a parent to proceedings.
Intended to offer a frank, open and informative view of the world of early careers and opportunities, the Parents Perspective Podcast enables parents to ask questions of the experts, explore the options open to their children and prepare themselves to help their children navigate their next steps.
Burden interviews expert speakers and role models, chats with a diverse mix of parents and gains insider knowledge from careers professionals as to how the world is work is changing and how we can best support our children in their ambitions with practical solutions and the latest information.
Topics cover the questions parents really need to know such as the costs involved, the support available, the alternative options, expectations versus reality, myth-busting industries and mental health concerns. Session guests include parents with lived experience, careers leaders, employers, young people who have chosen alternative paths, are from differing backgrounds and wide-ranging representation to offer varying viewpoints, and of course Burden herself who will bring her perspective as a mother of two teenagers about to embark on their next steps.
“I loved university but am a firm believer that it’s not necessarily the right choice for every child. I’m just setting out on the same journey as our intended listenership, and I am looking forward to asking the questions we all want the answers to.”
Burden is also clear about the route conversations will take and the topics that will be discussed.
“It’s important to look at the approach from every angle, we do a disservice to our teenagers if all we ever talk about is college or university. Especially those who may feel disconnected from their schooling. There is such a variety of opportunities available to our children and I am looking forward to exploring them all.“
Episode 1, now live, features Anna Morrison CBE, founder and director of Amazing Apprenticeships and Conor Cotton, managing director of Not Going to Uni as they offer insider hints and tips from both organisations as to how best parents can support and prepare their children in alternative routes to a career. The episode is accompanied by a useful downloadable resource.
The podcast is available for free across all the usual channels now.