QAA publishes report on City College Brighton and Hove

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) has published a report on standards and quality at City College Brighton and Hove (the College) following its review in February 2016.
A team of QAA reviewers visited the College and judged that the academic standards of the awards it offers on behalf of degree-awarding bodies and other awarding organisations, the quality of the information about its learning opportunities, and the enhancement of its student learning opportunities meet UK expectations.
However, the review team judged that the quality of the College’s student learning opportunities requires improvement to meet UK expectations.
The review report identifies the College’s extensive engagement of employers in its new programme design, ensuring that programmes are current and relevant to local employment needs, as a feature of good practice.
The review report recommends that the College puts in place a systematic process for planning, monitoring and evaluating the resources provided to support higher education programmes, and for ensuring the accuracy of information across all media following changes to policies, procedures or programmes.
It also recommends that the College strengthens and monitors the opportunities for students to engage as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their experience.
QAA’s Higher Education Reviews are carried out by experts from other universities and colleges. Every review team includes a student reviewer, because QAA believes that students should be partners in the quality assurance of their education.
The review team comprised Fazal Dad (Walsall College), Catherine Fairhurst (independent reviewer) and Harry Williams (student reviewer, University of Keele).