From education to employment

Prince’s Trust Programme Continues to Help Transform Lives in Hastings

The next Team programme of the Prince’s Trust at Sussex Coast College Hastings is recruiting for its April start, and is encouraging more young people to get involved.

The ever-popular programme aims to give young people, aged 16-25, in Hastings, Rother and Bexhill a chance to take control of their lives and gain valuable skills in team building and employability.

Since the Prince’s Trust Team programme started at Sussex Coast College in September 2014, it has helped almost 100 young people get back into education, training, and find employment.

Aaron Neal, who joined Team last year, said that the Prince’s Trust was the best thing he has ever done.

“Before I started the Team programme I was doing nothing with my life and was getting really bored. When my friend Chris told me he was doing the Prince’s Trust course, I thought it sounded loads of fun so I decided to join the next one. It was the best thing I could have ever done.

My favourite part was spending a week in Ashdown Forest during the residential trip, where I completed an amazing abseil, spent a day canoeing, tried out archery and went on a night hike. It was good to try out new things, overcome my fears and make lots of new friends.

During the course I learnt how to set my own goals, take part in a work placement, and achieved so much in the 14 weeks. Now I am a much more confident person and I am not afraid to get my ideas across.

After Team I joined the Basic Construction Skills course at SCCH, and now I am doing the Bricklaying course, which I really enjoy.

Team has taught me to give everything and try not to let opportunities pass me by. I have big dreams for my future now; I really want to get a job in the building trade and move into my own flat.

I would tell anyone who is thinking of joining Team to just go for it. You’ll have an amazing time, make new friends and become a more confident person. The Team Leaders really get to know you and can help you to achieve great things. I had the best time on Team.”

The Team programme at Sussex Coast is generously supported by a number of local organisations who give their time to support and develop young people. Officers from the Hastings Police Force have been influential in providing peer support and encouragement by rolling up their sleeves and getting stuck in with practical activities, as well as supporting Team members’ job search activities and sharing experiences of work to create a better understanding of the workplace.

Not only have officers from Hastings Police dedicated 20 days during each Team programme, they have also donated over £1000 to enable the Prince’s Trust Team to enjoy things like breakfast club, and have the opportunity to experience lots of engaging activities.

For every £1 that is invested in Team, £2.99 of social value, with a collective benefit to the community, is created. On average, each Team invests the equivalent of £2,745 into their community; and it is thought that 65% of community projects, like the recent regeneration of the Hastings Court Care Home gardens, wouldn’t happen without the involvement of Team.

If you are interested in joining the next Prince’s Trust Team at Sussex Coast College Hastings then please register your interest by 10th April via email to:

Onefile May 24

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