From education to employment

PHX wins contract for English and maths functional skills support

A leading Cumbrian training provider has secured additional funding from Adult Learning Cumbria County Council to help adults learn basic skills to help them find work and get online for the first time.

PHX Training, which has offices in Carlisle and Barrow to help more local people across the county to improve numeracy and literary skills by providing functional skills and basic IT courses.

Government figures show over 12,000 people in Cumbria have no academic or vocational qualifications such as English and maths qualifications, but PHX Training’s courses are aimed to help people receive their first qualifications in the basic functional skills which can help them find work or improve their quality of life.

The training provider will also deliver basic IT courses for people in the region who have little or no knowledge or confidence in essential skills such as searching the web, sending emails or using spreadsheets. A recent UK Consumer Digital Skills Index found that as many as one in five people in the North West are classed as digitally excluded and unable to do seven essential digital skills such as using a mouse or keyboard, connecting to Wi-Fi or changing font sizes. The number is even higher in rural areas.

Briony Fawcett, Managing Director at PHX Training, said: “This work will allow us to continue to skill up people in Cumbria so that we can increase their chances of finding work or simply improving their quality of life.

“For essential digital skills such as accessing email, these skills are more important than ever before, whether it is for applying for jobs, accessing Universal Credit or even just keeping in touch with family.

“Our learners can help people to make the first steps in learning a new skill which could change their life, while also offering a community environment to meet new people in a friendly setting.”

Donna St Claire, Senior Manager Adult Learning at Cumbria County Council, added: “We are happy to continue working with PHX to support individuals and communities across Cumbria to upskill.

“These courses can also be the first steps to achieving further qualifications with both providers”.

PHX Training has training centres in Barrow, Carlisle, Morecambe, Preston and Blackpool to help people complete training courses to help them back into work.

PHX Training delivers government-backed initiatives including adult skills – Maths, English and vocational courses, NEET (not in education, employment or training) and employability contracts.

To find out about the full range of support PHX Training offers, contact 01228 210 317 or visit

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