Call for evidence launched on qualification fee information

Ofqual has today (20 July 2018) launched a call for evidence focused on the availability of information about qualification fees in the regulated market. This aligns with work being undertaken by our fellow regulators in Wales and Northern Ireland on making the qualifications market work more effectively. The call runs until 30 September 2018, and is looking for responses from across the education sector in England.
Dr. Michelle Meadows, Ofqual’s Executive Director of Strategy, Risk and Research said:
We want to make sure that those who purchase qualifications, including schools and colleges, have access toinformation that will help them to make informed choices. We are also interested in hearing from those who develop qualifications about how they make fee information available and how they interact with purchasers.
We will use information that we receive through this call for evidence to look closely at the accessibility of fee information and determine whether there is any action we need to take to improve this.