20 EdTech demonstrator schools and colleges announced

Outstanding @Microsoft training academy @DanesfieldSchl selected as #EdTech Demonstrator School
Microsoft training academy based in Marlow one of only 20 schools to launch the new Government scheme
Danesfield School, an Ofsted Outstanding primary school in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, has today become one of only 20 schools and colleges across the UK to become an EdTech demonstrator school. The programme was created to enable schools and colleges to share best practice for using technology in learning, and earlier this month was refocused in the short term to specifically focus on supporting remote teaching.
With a focus on growth mindset, Danesfield has built a culture of curiosity and learning through technology in recent years, including the creation of a 21st century learning classroom and dedicated science block, providing a rich and broad learning experience that prepares primary school children for the next stage in their education.
Sarah Morgan, Headteacher at Danesfield School, said
“The Danesfield team are hugely excited about the opportunity to work with schools across the country at this challenging time and in the future, building their use of technology to enhance the creativity and learning opportunities for children. Technology is embedded at the core of our teaching, and we have witnessed the significant benefits it brings in helping children develop a love of learning. We have been a Microsoft training academy for three years, and to now be selected as just one of 20 schools nationally launching this initiative is a great credit to all the staff at Danesfield school.”
A list of successful applicants who applied to the EdTech demonstrator schools and colleges programme:
List of successful applicants
This programme helps providers share good practice on using technology to support remote teaching.
In April 2020, the programme was refocused to help support remote teaching and working during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and to allow new applicants to apply for funding.