From education to employment


Nick Boles, Minister of State for the Departments of Business, Innovation, Skills and Education visited CONEL on Monday 16 May to discuss the matters of remaining in or leaving the EU in anticipation for the UK’s EU referendum being held on Thursday, 23 June. 

Over 100 students attended, keen to ask questions and express their concerns to the Minister of State, Nick Boles. Alongside Nick was Principal, Andy Forbes and the discussion focused on immigration, EU rights, impact on the economy and the issues of job opportunities.

Nick talked to the students about the importance of the EU Referendum and shared his view on why he is supporting the Prime Minister to remain in Europe. Nick expressed: “Vote for Britain to stay in the EU! Leaving the EU will lead to recession, and a loss in jobs. In the long term the economy will be 6% smaller if we do not remain in the EU”.

The students raised concerns with the issue of uncontrolled immigration, growing population, high house prices and the cost of living in London. Nick illustrated the benefits of remaining in the EU such as the freedom to work and study abroad, EU employment rights and laws, lower mobile roaming charges and cheaper flights to the EU whilst explaining that leaving the EU will not drop the cost of living or housing costs in London. Nick outlined that only a sustained house building strategy in London will reduce housing costs and voters should hold the Mayor of London and elected government to account to deliver this.

Keen to involve the young people on whether to be part of the EU, Nick strongly advised the students to register to vote by 7 June and talk to their families. Nick advised the students to: “Vote with your future in mind.”

To conclude the discussion Nick stated: “Lets maximise our power by collaboration, we are stronger in the EU and if we leave, we will have less influence in the world.”

Principal, Andy Forbes closed the discussion, asking how many students had already registered to vote, with the hope that this passionate discussion would encourage more young people to engage in politics and current affairs, to stand up for what they believe would make this country a better place.

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