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Kaligo launches Cloud version to help provide seamless school to home learning to support the recovery curriculum

Kaligo (@KaligoApps_EN) has further developed their handwriting EdTech for the cloud, which will help foster a love of handwriting both at home and in the classroom to help fill the gaps to support the recovery curriculum.  

The Kaligo cloud version brings with it many benefits for users, including its cross-tablet capability for iPad, google and android tablets. For teachers, this means that if you have a class of ten children and 5 are working at home, all pupils can use work on tasks in real-time. The whole class can be taught at the same time, even though some are not in the classroom. Also, should the need for remote learning occur again, schools can seamlessly continue the handwriting journey for their pupils, as was the case for Wayfield Primary School.

“During the COVID pandemic, Wayfield were able to maintain handwriting skills.” Says Matthew Tragheim, Teacher at Wayfield Primary School and Kent ICT Champion of the year. “As the quality of content on the Kaligo platform is so high, our teaching teams find it very helpful. There is nothing on the market that has functions like Kaligo.”

Kaligo combines years of neuroscientific research with 15,000 analysed handwriting strokes and the latest AI technology and is a tool that will help teachers highlight handwriting difficulties in a few minutes. It is this machine learning which provides pupils with real-time, automated and corrective feedback. Each handwriting stroke is analysed based upon shape, direction and order, and identifies any difficulties children as young as age three may have with forming letters, numbers, or even if they have an issue with pencil control.

Teachers choose their preferred handwriting scheme and either a pre-set lesson or set their own lesson for their pupils. Kaligo then stores the data so teachers can easily monitor progress and provide teachers with the deep dive knowledge they need through its constant classroom assessment. With Kaligo, pupils find handwriting more fun as the colourful and intuitive screens on tablets most pupils are already familiar with, making the task of handwriting more exciting.

“Children will be able to login to the same account at school and at home. This means that they can continue to practice when they are not in the classroom, and our teachers can check the continual progress both in class and at home.” Said Andrew. “The improvement in our pupil’s handwriting in a very short space of time has been really impressive. Kaligo is perhaps one of the most impressive classroom tools we’ve seen. Anything which provides individual learning, and this level of improvement for the class while saving teacher time is a must.” Andrew Clark, Deputy Head, St James’ C. E. Primary School

For teachers, the new cloud version has an intuitive interface that makes creating lesson plans quickly which are easily customisable for individual students. The dashboards and personalised reporting, making it easy for a teacher to see how the whole class or an individual child is doing in a few seconds, in real-time.

For students, there are now 9 exercise themes covering all the fundamentals of handwriting, including capital letters, lower case, pre-cursive and cursive. And, for parents, it allows them to see how their child is doing at school, as well as providing access for the child at home.

Pupils progress using a self-paced approach, then Kaligo displays a series of real-time arrows and colours on the screen to show the child if they are on track with their writing. If their strokes are accurate, the green colour indicates success, if they are not correct the red arrows show the child how they can get on track. Kaligo then provides teachers with records of each child’s ability to write and will also monitor their ongoing progress, giving teachers an accurate picture of a child’s current writing skills.

The ongoing individual assessment and interventions mean that there is no need for daily checking, and there is no impact on teachers’ workloads. Results and records are analysed and updated automatically; then they are stored in the Kaligo teacher portal, saving many hours of teacher’s admin time.

Approved by the DfE Hungry Little Minds campaign, Kaligo has also been recognised by many awards organisations, including the GESS Education Awards and was a finalist in the BETT Awards 2020 for Early Years and Educational Apps. Kaligo is a member of the National Handwriting Association and a member of the latest cohort of the UCL Educate programme.

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