From education to employment


 Jock the Cat is the ‘purrfect’ star of an innovative education package telling tales of the history of Glasgow’s Tall Ship, the Glenlee.  The animated cat – based on the Glenlee’s own resident ship’s cat – is the invention of Motherwell College student Jillian Doig and will appear in a new multi media pack soon to be available to schools across Scotland.

It is hoped Jock will follow in ‘pawsteps’ of other famous cartoon cats including Felix, Fritz, Garfield and of course Abraham de Lacy Giuseppe Casey Thomas O’Malley!

 The Clyde Maritime Trust approached the College, seeking a talented animator to produce an educational film for 3-7 year olds.  Gifted Jillian, 18, a second year HND Filmcraft and Animation student was commissioned to do the work. 

 Jock will star in the unique animation on the history of the Glenlee which will also be shown in the new ‘cinema’ on board – created from opening of the cargo hold.  This area was previously inaccessible until the first phase of the Glenlee’s refit was completed this month.  He will also appear in an educational book and his animated version is of such high quality, it is of TV broadcast standard.

Dr Chris Mason, Clyde Maritime Trust said:  “Jillian’s talents are quite remarkable and we are very grateful for her contribution to the Clyde Maritime Trust’s multi educational package.  Although ‘Jock the Cat’ will help us explain the history of the Glenlee to young children, his personality appeals to all ages!”

Jillian, from Coulter, near Biggar wants to have a career as a graphic designer/animator.  She said:  “‘My time at Motherwell College studying the Filmcraft & Animation course has been a tremendously exciting and rewarding experience.  It has equipped me with the ideal skills I need to have a career in the animation industry.  These skills enabled me to complete the live commercial animated project featuring Jock for the Tall Ship Museum, helping to preserve more of Scotland’s maritime history.”

To thank Jillian for her work on Jock, Councillor Steven Purcell, Leader of Glasgow, presented her with gift vouchers at the Glenlee first phase completion celebration on Wednesday 25 June.  The vouchers will enable her to purchase special hardware which allows graphics input to a computer using a special pen on an electronic ‘board’ rather than a mouse on a screen.

 For further information on the Glenlee and the Clyde Maritime Trust contact Lisa Massey, Education Officer, The Tall Ship at Glasgow Harbour, 0141 222 2513.

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