Identical twins graduate with identical degrees at Plymouth College of Art
Every year graduating students from Plymouth College of Art transform the college’s cutting-edge making spaces, workshops and studios into a dynamic, college-wide showcase for industry professionals and members of the public to explore and preview the new wave of graduates ready to take over the creative industries.
Twin sisters, Bethany and Alice Antliff, studied glass and ceramics as part of their BA (Hons) 3D Design Crafts degree, and showcased their final year’s work at the college’s Degree Show. They have also recently been handed a range of specialist industry awards, including the Potclays Graduate Award, The Coombe Futures Award and The Insitju Principal’s Award for Enterprise for developing a plan to open an open studio for artists.
Bethany Antliff explained, “We envision a creative hub with a collaborative and supportive atmosphere, offering a range of facilities including; hot glass, warm glass, cold working, mould making, throwing, kiln firing and more.
We aim to be as environmentally friendly as possible aspiring to be responsible makers, recycling as much material as possible, reducing our environmental impact.”
Inspired by elements from the natural world, Bethany aims to create intricate artwork that engages the audience through innate attraction and allows for reflection on aspects of nature that would normally escape their notice.
She hopes to inspire appreciation and influence thoughtful consideration for our planet. Bethany’s latest work has strong environmental focus, exploring the effects mass human consumption has on the natural world.
Alice’ work is often intricate and fragile, representing delicate qualities of nature, particularly plants and flowers.
Currently concentrating on glass engraving, Alice has interrogated her own impact on the environment and now uses 100% recycled and upcycled glass, meaning that no new materials are used to create her work.
Alice has a passion for raising awareness of environmental issues, such as plastic pollution, through her work.