Health Management introduces new range of mental health training courses for managers

This year’s World Mental Health Day is an ideal opportunity for employers to review their workplace mental health provision – and could hardly be more timely. In recent weeks, Public Health England and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (@NICEComms) have recognised the need for employers to improve awareness and understanding of mental health issues in the workplace, with guidance recommending that managers receive specific mental health training and support (@HealthManLtd).
Health Management is helping UK businesses to follow the new guidelines and support their staff with a suite of new workplace mental health training courses.
The online courses, which include Mental Health First Aid: In Practice, together with courses tailored to specific work sectors, are part of Health Management’s range of ‘Pay as you go’ occupational health services, enabling businesses of all sizes to access support as and when this is needed.
The Occupational Health provider also recently introduced new Autism and Dyslexia training courses to improve support for neurodiverse employees.
Speaking about the new Mental Health training courses, Dr Mark Simpson, Chief Medical Officer at Health Management, said;
“Providing managers with the necessary skills to address mental wellbeing in the workplace has become more important than ever owing to the challenges presented by the pandemic. Health Management’s mental health training courses will enable managers to identify and address work factors which may affect mental health”.
Margaret McNab, Managing Director at Health Management, said,
“Research has shown that only 30% of UK managers are equipped to recognise and address mental health problems at work*. The new training courses are an affordable, practical step that managers can take to build confidence in this area and support mental health in their workplace.
For more information about Health Management’s mental health training courses, click here.
*2018 Business in the Community report, Mental Health at Work