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Free access to Global Vocational Skills’ educational resources

#KeepSafeStayHome – @i_GVS announces free access to educational resources

In a matter of weeks, the #CoronavirusPandemic has changed every aspect of people’s life and the way learners are educated around the globe. 

As UK colleges were confirmed to close their campuses and move to online learning, Global Vocational Skills, an EdTech company based in Watford, is releasing their education service for free until the end of May, to assist FE colleges and training providers across the country during the Coronavirus outbreak.

We offer digital learning modules and assessments to support the delivery of the most popular vocational qualifications and apprenticeship programmes. This is so education can be accessed by everyone, despite disruption caused by the virus’s spread.

Our unique digital solution, called i-GVS, features interactive vocational content mapped to the UK National Occupational Standards and Apprenticeship Standards. It can be utilised for the delivery of effective vocational training remotely, via our cloud-based platform, enabling “learning anywhere, anytime” in a variety of formats. More importantly, i-GVS offers a full record of learning which can be extensively analysed to provide greater insights into learner behaviour, progress, and performance and to inform further efforts needed to achieve the desired outcomes. i-GVS supports a customised and evidence-based approach to learning addressing the increased needs of tutors and learners, especially in the context of challenges related to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Please visit our website to find out more about what we are making available to you in these exceptional circumstances.  

To create an account and request free access to our digital resources, please contact us on or through the website form

Do not hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated Customer Service team if you have any concerns or questions. We are there to support Further Education through this difficult time so that learners can continue to benefit from learning and develop the required knowledge and skills.

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