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Gavin Lumsden discusses Educator Workforce Development and Maintaining Dual Professionalism

We catch up with Gavin Lumsden, Director of Essential Teaching UK, who is a teacher educator and author discusses workforce development in FE and Skills and the challenges for dual professionalism, covering everything on how to keep your CPD up to date, how to enter the workforce, tip for leaders on how to recruit educators from industry and how to retain them. We caught up with Gavin at the spring Teaching and Learning conference in Birmingham with Education and Training Foundation.

Gavin discusses the importance of Workforce Development in FE and Skills. The challenges and opportunities in FE and Skills at the moment, particularly around the Educator recruitment crisis, blended learning, adapting and embracing AI and Chatbots to maintaining dual professionalism and occupational competency.

He also shares tips on how to recruit and retain Educators in hard to fill competencies like Construction, how to maintain CPD, and how to retain educators.

Check out the full video below:

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