#FutureOfApprenticeships: Supporting learners with SEND

In today’s episode, co-hosts Gavin O’Meara (CEO, FE News) and Suzanne Slater (Director of Operations for Apprenticeships, NCFE) are joined by guests Charlotte Jones (Operations/Project Manager at GMLPN) and Louise Karwowski (Director of Education at Cognassist) to explore how we can better support special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) learners as they embark on apprenticeships.
Our panel discuss important questions such as how traditional pathways and recruitment processes can be improved for young adults with SEND, and how we can better support these learners once they’re in apprenticeships. They also consider how we can improve apprenticeship delivery and assessment to ensure quality, as well as how to help employers in supporting young adults with SEND.
Feel free to join the conversation using the #FutureOfApprenticeships hashtag or by getting in touch with us!
This series is now over! You can listen to the podcast below: