FAB launches EPA Connect following successful EPA 2023 Conference

Endpoint Assessment (EPA) Connect is the new initiative launched by the Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB). The launch of EPA Connect follows on from the successful EPA 2023 conference, attended by over 200 delegates last month.
EPA Connect is part of FAB, the only non-profit, peak level association that is looking to invest in building a long-term professional community of practice for EPAOs. We work inclusively with the community of EPAOs to lead important initiatives such as the EPAO Good Practice Guide, where we have been consulting with both FAB members and non-members.
In support of the EPA and apprenticeship community, FAB are pleased to announce the launch of EPA Connect, our free monthly virtual drop-in session. This meeting will take place on the first Monday of each month, starting 5th June 2023 and will be hosted by Charlotte Bosworth, a FAB Non-Executive Director, Lead Member of our EPAO Community and the Managing Director at Innovate Awarding.
Speaking during the latest FAB Centraal, FAB’s fortnightly update, Charlotte Bosworth reflected on the need for strengthening and developing our EPA community. In launching EPA Connect, FAB are seeking to meet the appetite of those working in EPAOs to get clarity when they need it, be it for free advice, guidance and support from their peers. The new initiative aims to give a platform for diverse voices within the EPAO sector to inform, enrich and improve assessment practice.
This means that the agenda of EPA Connect will be driven by group members themselves in a collaborative effort. We are aiming to create a safe yet innovative space for EPAOs, whether a small and specialist, large with multi standards or medium sized with particular sector focus. The group will provide and access support for all the opportunities and challenges colleagues are experiencing in your day-to-day work in endpoint assessment and apprenticeships. EPA Connect is an open forum where there are no ‘silly’ questions, and EPA professionals with all levels of experience are welcome.
Karen Daws, Executive Director (Policy, Operations and Membership) said:
“EPA Connect is an extension of our current community offering for EPAOs, which we are delighted to launch following our successful EPA 2023 conference on 18 May. We are a strong and effective voice for the community, established for over 20 years, and we stand apart from other short-term initiatives from commercial organisations, which may not have the best interest of the community at heart.”