From education to employment

Europe Code Week is here

Computer science fosters innovation, critical thinking and empowers students with the skills to create tools that solve major challenges. Yet there aren’t enough students who have access to opportunities to develop their technical skills. As part of our commitment to help 1 million Europeans find a job or grow their business by 2020, we also need to invest in equipping the upcoming generation with the skills needed to master the jobs of the future. To do this, we’re encouraging students to get involved in and inspired by computer science. For the fifth year, we’re happy to be participating in Europe Code Week, a grassroots movement that encourages programming by showing how to bring ideas to life with code, demystifying computer science skills and bringing motivated people together to learn.

Part of our involvement in Code Week is providing funding to organizations who want to run computer science initiatives that give young people (aged 5-18) a chance to engage with some hands-on learning opportunities. Last year we funded 60 initiatives in 33 countries, giving over 56,000 students the chance to experience CS as part of these efforts. Organizations can apply for a grant of up to 8,000 EUR—please find details and the application form on the Code Week site.

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