CoSector and Janison announce partnership to provide digital assessment to the education sector

New online assessment platform could give students their results faster and will improve efficiencies for learning providers across the UK
CoSector – University of London, the provider of choice for products and services that enhance and enrich digital learning, has announced a partnership with Janison, a provider of learning and online assessment platforms, in order to bring efficient digital assessment to the UK higher and further education sectors.
The partnership means that customers of CoSector – University of London will be able to purchase digital assessment software directly through Janison. It will then be implemented by CoSector, which will also provide ongoing customer support for the assessment platform.
The Janison digital assessment platform allows education organisations to create the assessment, and deliver it in a locked-down, controlled environment, as well as closely manage the marking process. It also offers an analytics tool that, once results are in, can help staff identify how to improve student performance through reviewing the data.
The benefits of an online assessment solution include improved efficiency, with intuitive platform that allows educators to quickly and easily design authentic assessments that include engaging multimedia, and tailor them to students with specific accessibility needs. Security-wise, for students, it means that their tests are now completely traceable through a digital footprint once submitted, meaning less room for human error and mistakes in the delivery of their results. Tests can also be sent to examiners to review faster, which means that results arrive sooner.
James Silcock, Commercial Director at CoSector – University of London says, “Partnering with Janison will allow us to offer a smarter and much-needed solution to the outdated assessment practices currently used by organisations in the higher and further education sectors.
“Digital assessment addresses the current challenges of paper-based assessment, being the unengaging media format, the environmental issues around use of materials to create and deliver the assessment, not to mention ongoing security issues and long processes for papers to be marked.”
Wayne Houlden, Founder of Janison, says: “This partnership with CoSector will allow Janison to tap into CoSector’s deep industry experience in helping education institutions around the UK and Europe to digitally transform the delivery of education services and enhance the student experience.”