From education to employment

Alternative routes to college and university – Case Studies

Annie Dobson, careers advisor working on the Exam Results Helpline
The careers advice people receive at school seldom includes Traineeships or Apprenticeships, resulting in many young adults and their parents not being aware of the opportunity young people have if they don’t want to go on to university.
Students waiting for exam results this summer are being reminded that the Exam Results Helpline, which has been a lifeline for worried young people and their families for nearly three decades, will be operational again for 2017.
The 40-strong team of career advice experts provide free, specialised information, help and guidance to students who have higher or lower exam results than expected.The Helpline is supported by the Department for Education and run by UCAS from its headquarters in Cheltenham.
The advice covers what to do if students haven’t secured the grades they predicted, or if they’ve changed their minds about their chosen course. There is also guidance on next steps for students whose grades are better than expected, help with Clearing and information on apprenticeships and vocational courses.
The helpline number 0808 100 8000 opened for students in the UK (except for Scotland) on August 17, the day A Level results were issued and closes on August 31 following GCSE results on August 24. A full timetable of opening hours can be found here.

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Qube Learning is a leading training provider who works with employers across the country to deliver Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Below are some case studies of Qube’s students who have undertaken Apprenticeships or Traineeships and started a successful career path:

Jessica-Broadway Halls, Apprentice
Apprentice Jessica has a personal story that is inspiring for others.  Initially a nervous and quiet character, Qube Learning recognised that Jessica had great potential and she was quickly shortlisted for an enrolment interview at the age of 16. Her eagerness and determination secured her a place on Broadway Halls’ Apprenticeship scheme and she began working with the team in August of 2012.
Jessica rotated through the departments within the care home with glowing reports from the Heads of Departments.   Jessica completed her two-year Apprenticeship and gained her first NVQ.  Brighterkind soon saw what a valuable member of the team she was and offered her a job as a Care Assistant.  She continues to thrive in the role and has completed her NVQ Level 3 in Health & Social Care, and started a Level 3 management qualification, with a very bright future ahead.
Elizabeth-Avery Healthcare, Apprentice
Elizabeth started her apprenticeship with Avery Healthcare in 2012 and is now Unit Manager at Newcross Care home in Wolverhampton. Elizabeth faced a major challenge during her training, as her Mum sadly passed away.   However, with the encouragement of the teams at Avery Healthcare and Qube Learning, along with her own passion, determination and vigour, Elizabeth successfully completed her Apprenticeship and her career has gone from strength to strength as a result.
Keavy – Peacocks, Apprentice 
Inspiring 16   year   old   Keavy   showed   real enthusiasm and commitment during her  Intermediate  Apprenticeship  in  Customer  Service at the popular clothing store Peacocks. Keavy found school  a  challenge  from  day  one;  she  was  the  youngest  in  her  year  and continually had difficulty keeping up. She has always had a keen work ethic though and from the age of  14  years,  she  worked  for  the  Sunderland  Echo  selling  newspapers  every  day  of the week before and after school, in all weathers. When Keavy was  successful  at  her  interview  with  Peacocks  she  was overjoyed. Straight away she made an impact by arriving on time, willing to do whatever was asked of her and continuing to shine with her positive attitude.
Nathan – Trainee/ Apprentice, Inn as Chef
Nathan Bingley left college  unsure  about  what  he  wanted  to  do  for  a  living,  or  even a part-time  job  for  that  matter.  He enrolled for  the  Jobseeker’s  Allowance  and  applied  for positions  with  the  Job  Centre  every  week,  until  he  was  told about  a  vacancy  as  a  Kitchen Assistant at a venue close to his home. Instinctively Nathan said yes, although he admits this was in part because it was a fast and easy commute. He submitted his application and a few hours later was called in for an interview. Nathan commenced the  role  as  a  Trainee  supported  by  leading  training  provider  Qube Learning  and  moved  on  to  a  paid  Apprenticeship  after  an  initial  12  weeks.  For Nathan this Apprenticeship was  going  to  be  life  changing.    With the  encouragement  of  his  Qube Learning  tutor  Paul  Taylor  he  was  able  to  overcome  serious  anxiety  problems  during  the period and completed his Apprenticeship feeling more confident in himself, and with a craft he is passionate about. Nathan now works in Saltaire at an inn with a great reputation, producing really good food that  he  is  very  proud  to  cook.  His aims  for  the  immediate  future  are  to  absorb  as  much knowledge as he can to keep growing as a skilled chef. He then hopes his cooking expertise will take him around the UK, or even the world.
Bradley – Curtis Autos, Trainee
Bradley from Stockport is  a  shining example  of  how the  benefits  of a Traineeship work after leading training provider Qube Learning gave him the opportunity to complete one with a local garage. After finishing school in the summer of 2016, without the grades he was hoping for, Bradley set out to find himself  an  Apprenticeship  in  mechanics. Frustratingly, he was unsuccessful, often receiving no response or acknowledgement to his applications. Bradley made contact  with  Qube  Learning who  suggested  that  a  Traineeship  would  be a better  option  for  him,  as  he  would  gain  experience  in  the  industry,  whilst  also  working  on his maths and English with a qualified tutor from the organisation. Bradley has  now  been  offered  an  Apprenticeship  position  which  will  see  him continue to learn whilst he earns.
Louise-Hempstalls Hall Care Home
When Louise left school, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, she went to College and completed a course in Travel and Tourism, but was still unsure if this was the right path to take. Her mum was a care assistant and she had helped look after her Nan and Granddad, and so she decided to try an Apprenticeship in Care. Louise has enjoyed being involved in every aspect of the home, each department bringing new experiences and small everyday challenges. Through the Apprenticeship scheme she learnt to provide personal centred care to the residents within the home, and has recognised that every resident is different and has different needs. She has also learnt about Dementia, by being hands on, observing colleagues, watching the resident’s themselves rather than reading from a book. Many of the residents ask for her by name, as they like her gentle, caring, and patient manner. When Louise first embarked on the programme, she came to us as a shy girl who was very nervous but she is now a confident and valued member of the team, who is respected by staff members, residents and relatives.

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