AELP’s Graham Hoyle discusses the Youth Employment Convention
Outgoing AELP chief executive Graham Hoyle discusses the themes and outcomes that have come from the Youth Employment Convention to help tackle youth unemployment.
Graham explains that one of the main themes that has come out of the conference, and has been voiced by both young people and employers, has been work experience. This is particularly interesting timing with traineeships coming in the near future, with work experience being a key part of this.
Another theme and concern that has been raised from the conference was over statutory education, and fears that the school curriculum is not providing the necessary skills, nor equiping young people to be prepared to step into the world of work.
A third theme covered highlighted the standard and level of Information Advice and Guidance being offered to young people, ranging from face to face availability of careers advice, through to the necessary information available online and via other accessable media.
Graham also points to how all of the politicians across different parties who attended the conference have all shared the views that DWP, BIS and DFE have to work more closely together, focussing their energy and joint resources onto the same joint agendas.
Please click on the video below to hear what Graham has to say: