ACS International School Cobham students celebrate AP results

Students at ACS International School Cobham are celebrating success in their Advanced Placement (AP) results, with many now going on to study at top universities across the globe, including Bocconi University (Italy), Erasmus University College (Netherlands), Boston University (US), Pepperdine University (US), University of Bath (UK) and McGill University (Canada).
ACS Cobham offers College Board AP courses within its High School curriculum, enabling students to gain AP qualifications as part of their ACS High School Diploma (US) alongside International Baccalaureate (IB) and /or High School courses, or as an additional diploma – the AP Capstone Diploma (APCD) or the AP International Diploma (APID). The AP originates in the US, but is recognised as a prestigious post-16 qualification by universities worldwide.
The cohort of 176 students taking AP courses at ACS Cobham this year achieved an average point score of 3.4, compared to the global average of 2.91 points. AP courses are scored from 1-5, with a score of 3 or “qualified” indicating that a student is capable of doing the work of an introductory-level course in a particular subject at university. 56 ACS Cobham students received AP Scholar awards this year, meaning they achieved grades of 3 or higher in three or more full-year AP exams.
The APCD is built on the foundation of a new, two-year High School course sequence — AP Seminar and AP Research — and is designed to complement and enhance the in-depth, discipline-specific study provided through AP courses. 4 ACS Cobham students were awarded the APCD in 2020.
While many exam boards across the world decided to cancel this year’s spring exams in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the College Board made the decision to amend all 2020 AP exam dates and portfolio due dates, and developed exams that students were able to take at home.
Recent ACS Cobham graduate Jessie McLean comments: “I do feel prepared for university in that I’ve gained a lot of skills that have helped me to be an independent learner. I know how to organise assignments, write long essays, find supporting research, and understand and present multiple perspectives in an essay. A lot of learning has come through trial and error, but ACS has been an environment where mistakes are welcomed, so it’s been a safe space to pick myself up and try again.
“With a Biology degree, I see several possible career paths that I think would be really exciting. I’m interested in science communications, being a teacher, being an advisor to companies about how to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly, and possibly being a researcher. No matter where I go, I’ll continue being an advocate for the fight against climate change.”
Barnaby Sandow, Head of School, ACS Cobham, comments:
“The AP offers students a demanding and rewarding curriculum which is recognised by universities all over the world. We’re enormously proud of this year’s graduates and all they have achieved – AP courses challenge students to tap into their problem-solving and analytical potential, learn essential time management skills and, ultimately, build confidence. Our 2020 AP cohort is a true embodiment of these characteristics and we wish them all the best of luck with the next stages of their lives and as they pursue university and careers all over the globe.”