From education to employment

School workforce in England: November 2017

Single reference for all school workforce statistics based on staff working in publicly funded schools in England.


Text: school workforce census 2017

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Tables: school workforce census 2017

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Regional, LA and school tables: school workforce census 2017

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Methodology: school workforce census 2017

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Rounding conventions: school workforce census 2017

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Subject mappings: school workforce census 2017

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This statistical first release sets out the:

  • numbers of teachers and support staff in service
  • characteristics of teachers and support staff
  • teachers’ pay
  • teachers’ qualifications and curriculum
  • teacher vacancies
  • teacher sickness absence
  • pupil-to-teacher ratios

The release also includes information underlying the national tables at:

  • individual school level
  • local authority level
  • regional level


Statistics on the size and characteristics of the schools’ workforce in state-funded schools.

The number and characteristics of teachers, teaching assistants and other non-classroom-based school support staff, collected through the annual school workforce census.

The statistics include:

  • teachers’ salaries
  • qualifications
  • sickness absence levels
  • number of teaching vacancies

For secondary school teachers, we publish statistics on:

  • the curriculum subject taught
  • whether teachers have qualifications in the subjects they teach
  • the hours spent teaching by subject

Statistics from May 2010 onwards are available on GOV.UK. You can find our archived statistics on the National Archives. Note: the search function is not available on archived content so please use the filters on the left of each page.

Further documents analysing the teacher workforce are available.

We are carrying out a review of how and why people use published data on school employees in England.

The survey will close on Friday, 26 October 2018.


Published 4 October 2013 
Last updated 28 June 2018 + show all updates

A list of COLLECT queries and explanatory notes to help schools, academies and local authorities complete the 2018 school workforce census.


School workforce census 2018: minimum notepad entries for queries on the school workforce census

PDF, 237KB, 13 pages


Once you’ve entered your school workforce census data into COLLECT, it will automatically notify you if there are any errors or queries with the data.

This document provides acceptable notes to explain possible queries in your COLLECT return.

COLLECT is our centralised data collection and management system.

More guidance about the school workforce census is available.

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