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The nasen Awards are back for 2022 – nominations now open!

Celebrate those who go above and beyond in SEND education

nasen’s sixth annual Awards initiative has now been launched and is ready to place schools, early years settings, FE provision, individuals and organisations in the spotlight for their remarkable work in helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to thrive and achieve, both in the UK and across the globe.

nasen, a charity that supports and champions those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND has opened nominations and is encouraging practitioners, teachers, headteachers, parents, carers and young people to nominate a school, setting, organisation or individual that they believe has truly made a difference.

Each of the 15 categories will be judged by an independent panel, bringing a wealth of experience in education and SEND, as individuals with lived experience or as practitioners and professionals.

The 2022 nasen Awards features the following categories:

  • nasen’s Award for Early Years
  • nasen’s Award for Primary Provision
  • nasen’s Award for Secondary Provision
  • nasen’s Award for 16 – 25 Provision
  • nasen’s Award for Specialist Provision
  • nasen’s Award for Co-Production with Families
  • nasen’s Award for Young Person Aged 16 and Under
  • nasen’s Award for Young Person Aged Over 17 (NEW)
  • nasen’s Award for SEND Leader
  • nasen’s Award for Learning Support Staff Member
  • nasen’s Award for Teacher
  • nasen’s Award for Technology
  • nasen’s Award for Publication (honouring the late David Ryan)
  • nasen’s Award for International Provision
  • nasen’s Award for Person of the Year (NEW)

Chief Executive of nasen, Annamarie Hassall MBE said: “In our 30th anniversary year, we are proud to be celebrating those who are making a difference for SEND. The nasen Awards has continued to grow year on year, and each and every time we receive an increasing number of worthy nominations from across the education sector, from here in the UK and internationally.

“As a celebration of its success, this year two new categories have been added to help recognise even more heroes of SEND. We can’t wait to bring everyone together and put even more winners and shortlisted finalists in the spotlight at a glittering event in the Grand Hotel, Birmingham. It really is a fantastic event, and I encourage you all, if you know of a school, individual or organisation that goes above and beyond, to nominate them today! Join us in shining a spotlight on SEND and celebrate the individuals, teams and settings that truly stand out.”

The closing date for nominations is 29th July 2022. The awards ceremony will take place on 14th October 2022 at The Grand Hotel in Birmingham.

For more information on the nasen Awards and to nominate, visit: or follow #nasenAwards2022

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