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Caerphilly County Students Celebrate AS and A Level Results

Caerphilly students

Today, students across Caerphilly county borough are celebrating and being congratulated on their AS and A Level achievements.

Learners in schools and colleges across Caerphilly have been collecting their results today, Thursday 18th August.

Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Carol Andrews said:

“Congratulations to everyone who has collected their A Level results today. I hope you’re all pleased with your results given the obstacles you’ve overcome these past couple of years due to Covid.

“I wish you all the very best when deciding what path you’re going to take in the future, you and your families should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished so far. I hope you all enjoy your celebrations and a well-deserve break.”

Richard Edmunds, Caerphilly’s Director for Education and Corporate Services added:

“I can imagine that today is both an exciting and nerve-racking day for those of you who are collecting you’re A Level results. I’m sure it’s been an anxious wait but congratulations to you all for your hard work, not only in terms of sitting your exams but also for these past couple of years.

“It’s been a challenging couple of years to say the least but you should all be extremely proud of the resilience you’ve shown and for your achievements.

“Whatever your next steps, be it attending University or stepping into a working role, I wish you all the very best of luck for your future. Well done and enjoy celebrating over summer with friends and family before the next big mile stone in your lives.”

Keri Cole Chief Education Officer said:

“To say it has been a tough couple of years for those in education, teachers, parents and guardians would be an understatement. I know today will be a proud day whatever the outcome and our amazing school community will support learners to go on to their next step in their learning journey. To see the commitment and dedication from both staff and students during these unprecedented times has been inspiring and demonstrates ‘Team Caerphilly’ at its finest – well done everyone.”

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