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Readathon Challenge Tackles Lost Summer Holiday Learning

GoRead welcomes back its annual Summer Readathon competition to encourage children to get reading outside the classroom. The initiative aims to combat lost learning during the six-week holidays. 

A recent study from the NWEA found that up to 34% of children lose the learning they’ve gained over the year during the break. GoRead aims to break this cycle, making it easier for teachers to get their students back into focus at the start of term; ensuring that their confidence isn’t affected by a loss of knowledge. 

The Summer Readathon will be running from the 22nd July to the 5th September. With a range of activities and competitions for children and families to get involved in throughout this period.

The school that reads the most will win a £250 book voucher, with runners up receiving generous prizes too. A fun initiative, allowing schools to continue inspiring the next generation of readers and writers.

To participate, children just need to log what they’ve read during the summer break via the GoRead app or online platform. The competition is open to all schools who currently use GoRead. The winning schools, alongside the top families and children in the competition, will be announced in early September.

Jenny Byrne, teacher at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary, said: 

“Our staff have been involved in every GoReadathon since it started, and we have seen a good impact on reading behaviour, broadening of reading material, improved motivation to read and an increase in parental engagement in their child’s reading. Our school is a former winner of the GoReadathon and we can’t wait to get involved this summer.”

Russell Newman, Co-Creator and Product Manager for GoRead, said:

‘’We are thrilled to be launching the GoRead Summer Readathon again this year. In the past, we have seen great involvement and a positive impact on students and parents reading engagement during our competitions. We look forward to seeing more participation this year and the many benefits that it brings.’’

As well as advancing children’s learning, reading outside the classroom has many other additional benefits. According to Literacy Trust, 59% of children stated that reading during the lockdown “made them feel better’’ and 50% said it ‘‘inspired them to think about the future.” 

The Readathon also benefits teachers as children who continue to engage in literacy during summer have the ability to regain focus rapidly upon the start of the new term. 

GoRead is an online platform and app that encourages children and parents to monitor their children’s reading progress. GoRead is a part of the Squirrel Learning and BW Walch family, which aims to support schools through innovative approaches to learning via technology.

For more information about GoRead, visit


Drew, Digital Glue
[email protected]


GoRead is the award-winning digital reading record used by thousands of teachers, parents and children across the UK and beyond since 2020. 

Created by former school leaders, GoRead supports home/school reading by being easy to use, insightful and engaging for all users. At just £1 per pupil, it’s never been a better time to ditch the paper and sign up for GoRead. 

No more lost reading diaries. Ever.

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