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New ‘Learning room’ and ‘Values in Action’ training courses for Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values launched

safeguarding courses

New, in-depth format training courses to support the Further Education (FE) and Training sector with some of the most challenging areas of Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values are being launched by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF).

The specialist courses have been developed with highly regarded experts in the field in response to feedback from the ETF’s National Safeguarding Forum. Starting in February 2023, they cover two series:

The ‘Learning Room’ series includes four face-to-face workshops focused on hot topics including:

The Learning Room workshops are designed to give teaching staff, as well as leaders and managers, a raised awareness of the interconnected issues that may be affecting learner behaviour. Run by specialist trainer Polly Harrow, Chair of the National Association for Managers of Student Services (NAMSS), each workshop will provide practical ideas and guidance on how to support learners.

The ‘Values in Action’ series tackles some of the most challenging aspects of teaching British Values in practice. The series starts with the ‘Between the Lines’ face-to-face workshop offering practical support for managing sensitive conversations in safe spaces:

Run by Steve Wright, an expert in working with learners on sensitive issues, the Between the Lines workshop will include take-away resources for use in teaching and learning. Further dates for this workshop will follow, together with other workshops in the series.

The ETF’s Head of Safeguarding and Prevent explains the vision behind the new added-value CPD offer: “We know that all staff in the FE and Training sector are facing increased pressure around fulfilling statutory responsibilities for Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our aim with these new courses is to support the workforce in some of the most critical and sensitive areas in order to equip staff to understand their learners more fully and achieve the best possible learning outcomes.”

The new courses will build on the ETF’s track record of delivering tailored courses for Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values which reflect the teaching and learning situation in the FE and Training sector. These new courses will offer more in-depth content in specialist areas and, in addition to scheduled dates, will potentially be available for delivery to groups of providers or individual providers on request.

Scheduled courses will cost £200 per person for a full day of training. Members of the Society for Education and Training (SET) will be eligible for a 10% discount. In-house bookings will also be eligible for a discount.

Courses are available to book now. Visit the ETF booking site to register:

Book your Learning Room workshop

Book your Values in Action workshop

To see details of the full ETF Safeguarding and Prevent support offer, please visit our website.

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