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New data reveals how AI is changing the way we work

Ai and tech lines

New data analysis from Craft Documents has revealed the top uses of GPT3 AI – pointing to the ways in which artificial intelligence is set to shift the way we work. 

With the rise of AI, there have been huge strides made in its ability to generate human-like text. As platforms start integrating large language models such as ChatGPT and GPT3 into their applications, the way we work is also changing. 

Craft analyzed aggregated and anonymized data across their platform to highlight how consumers are using AI in their documents, and which elements of GPT3 AI see the most usage. 

A spokesperson for Craft comments:

“Developers can deploy GPT-3 models to a wide range of applications, making it an invaluable tool for businesses and organizations. 

“There are many potential uses for GPT-3 AI, such as creating chatbots, aiding with language translation, summarizing articles, providing automated customer support, and identifying trends. 

“As this technology continues to develop, content creation is one of the biggest areas of opportunity. AI-based writing tools allow users to create high-quality content quickly and efficiently, aiding the process from idea generation all the way through to the final content.”

With 83% of companies considering AI as a top priority in their business strategy going forward, and document platforms growing in popularity for individuals and organizations, there is huge potential for integration in this space. 

The data reveals users utilized the ‘summarize’ feature most frequently, making up 20% of usage, allowing creators to select the document and request the AI tool to summarize the content into a condensed version. 

Closely followed was the ‘continue writing’ option (18%), a feature where the user selects what they have written so far, or provides a sentence, and the AI assistant expands on the content. 

The top 10 used features included: 


Other features: 

The tool was also very popular for writing full articles and brainstorming ideas – as well as translating content. Of the translated content, English made up 50% of translations and Spanish made up 20% of translations, making them the most commonly ‘translated to’ languages. 


The use of these tools and features allows for greater efficiency, giving users valuable time back while preventing writer’s block. AI also offers better quality control by identifying and editing mistakes, and giving options for rephrasing. 

While these tools are not a direct replacement for experienced copywriters or creative talent, they can be a tremendous aid in helping produce content – and are changing the future of how we work to be more streamlined. 

Data Source

Data was collected from Craft Documents AI assistant – a tool that helps users manage their workflow, writing process, and distil and find information. These metrics were based on the features Craft offers on the platform and ranked based on percentage usage. This is based on aggregated and anonymised users’ usage over the last 60 days.

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