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Kaplan are making ‘commendable’ progress against their QAA action plan

Kaplan Financial UK (@KaplanNews) is commended by the Quality Assurance Agency (@QAAtweets) in its recent annual monitoring review

Kaplan Financial are pleased to announce a clean bill of health in their recent Annual Monitoring Review from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).

QAA are responsible for maintaining standards and improving quality in UK Higher Education. The UK Quality Code is a key reference point for UK Higher Education that Kaplan use to ensure that it continues to develop and maintain effective quality assurance practices.

Kaplan took part in a series of meetings with the QAA inspection team in November 2021 including learner and staff forums. This allowed the inspection team to really probe into the evidence provided to them. The resulting judgement was that Kaplan are making ‘commendable’ progress against their QAA action plan building on good practice, and achieving actions within planned timescales. This is the highest judgement that Kaplan could have received, so the team are delighted with the result!

It’s always nice to hear from our students and they were keen to share their thoughts with the team:

  • Students praised MyKaplan (our VLE) for its ease of use and comprehensive content. Students particularly liked its flexibility, the ‘chat with tutors’ function, videos and recap materials.
  • Students praised the availability and responsiveness of teaching staff, citing examples of the quick responses and support provided in the evenings and at weekends.
  • We are proud to have an active Apprenticeship Advisory Panel which the QAA team rated highly as a useful means of communication for students and staff to secure improvements to the programme and student experience. Student members felt that their voice was always heard in panel meetings.
  • Students confirmed that Kaplan always followed up on surveys, often communicating personally with them and then implementing clear improvements. They also confirmed that there was clear guidance on identifying and accessing additional support. 

The report has now been published and is available on the QAA website.

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