This note provides background information on the Work Programme and the statistics we publish on it.


Work Programme National Statistics background information note



This note provides information on how and why we released Work Programme National Statistics.

It also explains what the Work Programme was and how it worked.

Published 1 November 2012
Last updated 5 October 2020 + show all updates

  1. Revised section 4.4 in ‘Work Programme National Statistics background information note’. Correction of a factual error in the narrative, no figures have been adjusted.

  2. Revised to support the final release of Work Programme statistics. These have also been published today, 30 September 2020.

  3. Revised background information note includes details of changes in the March 2018 release of Work Programme statistics.

  4. Revised background information note includes details of changes in the September 2017 release of the Work Programme statistics.

  5. Revised background information note includes details of changes in the June 2017 release of the Work Programme statistics.

  6. Revised background information note includes details of changes in the March 2017 release of Work Programme statistics.

  7. Revised background information note includes details of changes in the December 2016 releases of Work Programme and Help to Work statistics.

  8. Revised background information note includes details of changes in the September 2016 release of Work Programme statistics.

  9. Updated background information to include information about changes to the disclosure control methodology, updates to historical validation factors, details of the new Stat-Xplore platform and delays to some March 2016 Job Outcome data.

  10. Included details about the new ‘time in work’ measure in Help to Work quarterly statistics publications.

  11. Included information about unclaimed outcome payments in the background information note (page 32, section 4.2.3).

  12. Background information note revised to include details of the Help to Work scheme and official statistics on Help to Work.

  13. Updated with new information about provider name changes (page 8) and Universal Credit referrals.

  14. Updated background information note with new information about contractual changes, minimum performance levels and sustainment payment validation.

  15. Updated the ‘Work Programme official statistics: background information note’ with information about new contractual changes.

  16. Background note replaced with updated version to support December 2014 release of Work Programme statistics (data up to end of September 2014).

  17. Background note replaced with updated version to support September 2014 release of Work Programme statistics.

  18. Updated to support the Work Programme statistical summary June 2014 release.

  19. Added new section to background note – Uses and users. Expanded sections on ‘Minimum Performance Levels,’ ‘Business Plan transparency indicator,’ ‘Benefit status analysis of those referred to the Work Programme,’ and ‘Accuracy.’

  20. Updated to support the Work Programme statistical summary March 2014 release.

  21. Updated to support the Work Programme statistical summary December 2013 release.

  22. Updated to support the Work Programme statistical summary September 2013 release

  23. Updated to support the Work Programme statistical summary June 2013 release

  24. First published.