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Barton Peveri’s Alumnus Shortlisted for an Eduqas Moving Image Award


Barton Peveril’s Alumnus Ellis Quinn has been shortlisted for an Eduqas Moving Image Award for his short film ‘I Need a Ride’. 

The Moving Image Awards is designed to recognise the UK’s talented film-makers, awarding students who undertake a qualification in Film and Media Studies. Students are invited to present their work to a panel of judges for these awards: 

  • Best Film/TV Extracts
  • Best Short Film 
  • Best Screenplay 
  • Best Music Video 

The award enables students to be celebrated widely and acknowledged for their creative work and enrich their future career after higher education. 

The ceremony also has garnered support from teachers of Film and Media Studies in a variety of institutions, as well as leading figures in the film industry.

Quinn expressed the hardships Class of 2021/2022 faced due to the COVID-19 disruption and overcame the difficulties with determination that provided a stable routine for himself.

Teacher of Film Studies at Barton Peveril, Laura Barbey, speaks on Ellis Quinn’s achievement: 

“Ellis’ year group had a lot of hardships and Ellis always managed to maintain a positive outlook and a passion for films. It was wonderful to see Ellis’ brilliant film on the big screen at the ‘Home of British Film’, the judges said his film was ‘darkly beautiful, with a twist you did not see coming’. It was an honour to be invited to the British Film Institute to see the best student films of last year and to meet a group of talented young filmmakers. British Cinema is in good hands.”

I Need a Ride by Ellis Quinn (Viewer discretion is advised, contains bloody scenes)

Quinn, former student of Noadswood School says: 

“My dream job is writing and directing films. It’s a very competitive industry, but I really aspire to achieve my goal.”

Quinn also provides advice to those who wish to seek a creative career in filmmaking:

“My advice for students looking to pursue filmmaking is simple. Make films! Once you make one film, keep making more. Pick up any camera you own, whether that’s your phone or a DSLR camera, and just film something. You will be impressed with how quickly your craft improves and develops.”

Quinn is currently studying film at Exeter University and plans to complete a practical Masters in filmmaking in London.

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