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The Future of Education, According to the World’s Top Thought Leaders and Futurists

The Future of Education

Genius Group held a virtual 2-day summit bringing together some of the most enlightened minds in edtech and the future of learning. The Global Education Summit, which took place on 8th and 9th July 2021, revealed key insights into the global education revolution from the likes of Seth Godin, Salman Khan, Stephen M.R. Covey and Roger James Hamilton as keynote speakers.

An audience of tens of thousands – including educators, trainers, coaches, speakers, students, and industry leaders – tuned in from across the globe over the two-day event.

With the global training and education market set to triple in size by 2030, and widespread industry disruption through the emergence of edtech, the event was focused on exploring what the future of education will look like. Here are some of their predictions.

  • Seth Godin, author of 20 bestselling books, Founder of the altMBA and The Akimbo Workshops, independent online seminars that have transformed the work of thousands of people:

“Gamification will continue to play an increasing role in how education will adapt in future. Gamification is nothing new – peer pressure is a form of a game and has been used for years. It creates motivation through competition and can enrich learning. Math in schools is largely about obedience and repetition, which is basically just arithmetic. To enrich learning, why not teach kids poker? It’ll teach them so many more skills, for example decision making, observation, game theory – ones that will prepare young people well for adult life.”

  • Salman Khan, educator and the founder of Khan Academy, a non-profit with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Salman Khan is author of The One World SchoolHouse: Education Reimagined:

“Lectures will be a thing of the past. Soon, the classroom will no longer be about lectures but instead much more about human-to-human engagement. Whether learning digitally or not, when humans get together to learn, it’s much more effective to talk to each other, tutor each other, do games and simulations together and so on. Let’s not lecture at students. Remote learning during the pandemic taught everyone that it’s not ok to simply lecture for an hour on Zoom. You need to engage kids, ask questions, put them into breakout rooms and so on. You must focus on active learning, and make it as humanly interactive as possible.”

  • Stephen M. R. Covey is a New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The SPEED of Trust—The One Thing That Changes Everything. He is the former CEO of Covey Leadership Center, which, under his stewardship, became the largest leadership development company in the world:

“We have five forces of change hitting us in every direction. First, the very nature of the world itself, because of technology. The amount of change, the pace of change, the type of change is unprecedented. Second, the nature of the work itself, is more service-oriented and more collaborative. Third, the nature of the workplace. We are seeing this right now with work from home, work from anywhere, or hybrid work. Fourth, the nature of the workforce, is far more diverse than any generation before; and finally, the nature of choice. We have gone from what we might call multiple choice, to infinite choice. People have so many choices and options today that they did not have even 16 months ago. With all these changes we cannot continue to lead in the ways we have led in the past because it’s just not going to work.”

  • Roger James Hamilton is Founder and CEO of Genius Group, a multi-million-dollar group of companies including GeniusU, Genius Institute and Genius School. GeniusU is an Edtech platform providing over 1.8 million students with personalised learning paths and is currently seeing over 1000 new students join each day.

“Education will become more personalised and lifelong learning will grow to be the norm. The tide will shift from the existing industrial one-size-fits-all education and training model to become personalised mentorship and digital learning, we will see a huge shift in mindset across the globe.”

“What education in 2030 will look like is the $10 Trillion dollar question. Five different trends we need to keep an eye on to prepare for what the next generation of education will look like starts first with the concept of Educator 5.0. This is the new revolution where it is no longer about looking at a computer screen but rather the entire breadth of knowledge available and connecting with other knowing that data is already there. Second is discovering new learning networks that will disrupt and reorganize learning institutions in the same way that social networks have done. By rapidly sharing what works now, everyone in the network learns rapidly. Third, the metaverse is going to take over what we currently have from the internet and transfer learning. Fourth, the idea of the ‘superhuman’. I predict that within 10 years, some of the leading companies in the world will have their CEO being an AI, who is going to make much smarter decisions than humans can by processing all the data and deciding what the next thing it is that we should be doing. Finally, will be the education revolution, where all these come together. In the same way that we look back 500 years and talk about the renaissance, we’ll be talking about a new renaissance over these next 10 years. It is the same 10 years the United Nations have been going through the entire concept of the UN global goals and in which we’ll see a massive shift toward renewable energies, space travel, and other new frontiers.”

Onefile May 24

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