From education to employment

AWS re/Start and IN4.0 Group to boost careers in cloud computing


Cloud employment training brings opportunity to local communities and promotes diversity in tech careers

Skills development and training experts Amazon Web Services (AWS) re/Start and IN4.0 Group are collaborating to build an inclusive and diverse global pipeline of new cloud talent by focusing on unemployed and underemployed individuals to help them launch a career in the cloud.

Following the success of the IN4.0 talent academy, a 12-week specialist digital skills training programme, and its three-year partnership with AWS, IN4.0 is working with AWS re/Start on programmes in Greater Manchester.

IN4.0 delivered two successful AWS re/Start cohorts earlier this year and 63 learners graduated from the programme in March 2021. Applications are open for the next cohort, which is due to start on Tuesday 4 May.

The collaboration supports learners in building career skills and helping them through the interview process to pursue entry-level roles that require AWS Cloud practitioner knowledge and skills.  

IN4.0, operators of HOST, the Home of Skills & Technology, formerly known as The Landing in MediaCityUK, is working with several employers in the North West region who are already benefitting from ‘work-ready’ graduates to help undertake industrial projects and drive digital transformation within their businesses.

IN4.0 aims to support learners in gaining job-specific skills, connect learners with potential hiring employers, and support them as they embark on cloud careers.

According to the 2019 Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report, nearly 80 per cent of IT decision-makers see hiring as a challenge. While LinkedIn data shows that cloud computing skills have ranked among the top hard skills that companies need the most for the past three years.

AWS re/Start is a 12-week, skills-based training programme that covers fundamental AWS cloud skills as well as practical career skills, such as interviewing and CV writing, to help prepare individuals for an entry-level cloud position. Through real-world scenario-based exercises, labs, and coursework, students build Linux, Python, networking, security, and relational database skills. 

The programme also prepares and covers the cost for participants to take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam, validating their cloud skills with an industry-recognised credential. Ultimately, AWS re/Start can help prepare individuals for entry-level cloud roles in operations, site reliability and infrastructure support.

Mo Isap, CEO of IN4.0 Group said:

“After working closely with AWS for nearly three years within our talent academy, we are ecstatic to continue this partnership formally as an AWS re/Start collaborating organisation and AWS select consulting partner. 

“Securing this prestigious status further extends IN4.0 Group’s commitment to delivering highly skilled technology career starts for individuals from diverse backgrounds, who previously would not have had this opportunity.”

Tejas Vashi, AWS re/Start Global Team Lead said:

“The industry demand for cloud adoption is far outpacing the number of new, cloud-savvy workers, leaving organisations struggling to find and hire the talent needed to implement cloud services. To overcome this systematic supply vs demand situation, cloud talent must be cultivated from non-traditional sources. AWS re/Start brings “net-new” talent into the cloud ecosystem by skilling unemployed and underemployed individuals with little technology background and preparing them to launch a cloud career.”

Onefile May 24

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